To the tenant

 Business services of WTC Tallinn AS

We offer the opportunity to publish advertising on the billboards in the elevators of the WTC Tallinn center (7 units). Ahtri tn 8 (2); Ahtri tn 12 (1); 5 River St. (1); Parda tn 4 (2); Parda tn 3/5/7 (1)
To the tenant:
  • A4 horizontal 1 week/ 5€/ elevator
  • A3 horizontal 1 week/ 10€/ lift
For the user of the service:
  • A4 horizontal 1 week/ 30€/ lift
  • A3 horizontal 1 week/ 35€/ lift
Other advertisements in elevators by agreement!
Possibilities of using a business address
  • the service includes a mailbox in the Jõe 5 office building, the use of two postal addresses according to the contract, 300€ /+km/ year.
Other advertising (one-time fee)
  • the possibility of using the mailbox during the period of the office space contract - 32€
  • company name on the house manager - 25€
  • company name next to the door - 25€
  • company name in the lobby of the elevator floor - 25€
  • company name on phone lock - 25€
  • house manager next to the front door (according to the order) - 100€/ 1 place
  • advertisement on the facade/ glass of the house (according to the order) - 100€/ 1 place
  • outdoor advertising on the facade of the house - according to the contract
Reproduction service
  • copy A4 €0.20/page
  • copy A3 €0.30/page
Kilometers are added to the prices.

Administrative services

The price of the challenge is 25€/+km, includes up to 1 hour of work, plus the price of spare parts and materials.
  • the price of an extra hour for a craftsman or worker is 10€/h + the cost of materials; in the case of larger works, a separate quotation will be drawn up;
  • replacement of a lost key (mailbox, office space) with a new one - 15€/+km;
  • bürooruumi ukse avamine töövälisel ajal-  100€/+km.
Replacement of lighting equipment (challenge fee 5€/+ price of light bulb replacement):
  • fluorescent tubes 18W- 3€
  • fluorescent tubes 30W/36W/58W - 7€
  • starter S2 4-65W- 1€
  • compact lamp 9W/18W/26W - 5€
  • halogen bulb 12V 20W- 1€
  • LED bulb 5W -11W- 7€
Reproduction service
  • copy A4 €0.20/page
  • copy A3 €0.30/page
NB! An act is drawn up for each execution of works, on the basis of which an invoice is presented to the customer of the work.

Internal regulations and safety instructions

